Critical Labour Studies 10th Symposium
Location: Ruskin College, Ruskin Hall, Oxford, OX3 9BZ
8th – 9th of March 2014
Saturday 8th March
9.00 – 10.00 Registration on Door, Tea & Coffee
10.00 – 10.15 Introduction from CLS and Ruskin
10.15 – 11.00 The Legacy of the Miners Strike and the 1980s (A)
- Chair: Paul Stewart
- An Alterfactual Methodological Approach to Labour History: The Miners’ Strike of 1984-5 – Ralph Darlington
- An Unclear View:Looking at Thatcherism and Class Struggle from the United States and Canada in the 1980s – Jason Russell
- ‘Class’ or a ‘Collective Biography’? An attempt to classify the individuals responsible for the survival and growth of the Durham Miners Gala – Carol Stephenson and Dave Wray
11.00-11.45 The Legacy of the Miners Strike and the 1980s (B)
- Chair: Phoebe Moore
- On the Brink: an assessment of the possible futures for the NUM – Dave Allsop and Dave Wray
- Thatcher’s civilising offensive: The Ridley Plan to decivilise the working class – Matt Clement
- What explains the differences between the UK Government’s interpretations of urban disorder in Britain when comparing the Tottenham Riots of 2011 with the Brixton Riots of 1981? – Harriet Chadwick
11.45 Break
12.00 – 12.40 Gender and Work
- Chair: Sian Moore
- Women in the labour movement – still hidden from history in 2014? – Jane Holgate
- ‘Double Shift’: Women in the ‘Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire’ – Daisy Payling
12.40 – 1.30 Lunch
1.30 – 2.30 The Politics and Legacy of Ralph Miliband and the Discussion on Socialism
- Chair and Discussant: Hazel Conley
- The Legacy and Role of Ralph Miliband – Steve Jeffreys
2.30 – 3.15 Parallel sessions. New Research on Labour and Neo-liberalism
Session A
- Chair: John Stirling
- The Consulting Association blacklist: a case study in counter-mobilisation – David Smith
- ‘Financial Consumerism’: ‘Ordinary people’ and capital consumption in the 1980s – Amy Edwards
- The history of co-determination in Germany and the UK: retelling the story – Rebecca Zhan
Session B
- Chair: Carol Stephenson
- The workers’ inquiry as a method: possibilities for resistance and organisation in a UK call centre – Jamie Woodcock
- Labour rights and working conditions in the Bangladesh Garment Industry – Eleanor Tighe
- Trade unions responses to contingent work: challenges and opportunities posed by the growing casualization of the labour market – Danat Valizade
3.15-3.45 Break for Coffee and Tea
3.45-4.30 Membership growth at a time of union decline: Usdaw, organizing and leadership
- Chair and Discussant: Jane Holgate
- Carl Parker and James Rees
4.30-5.15 Marketisation, Commodification and the Implications for UK Teachers’ Autonomy
- Chair: Miguel Martinez Lucio
- Martin Upchurch, Phoebe Moore, Aylin Kunter, Anne Lemon (National Union of Teachers)
5.15-6.00 Knowledge is still power: organising out of educational ghettos
- Chair: Cilla Ross
- Education for Action
6.00 CLS AGM
6.30 Evening Meal Buffet (Ruskin)
Sunday 9th March
9.00 – 9.45 Coffee/tea available
9.45 – 11.15 International Labour & Trade Union Studies at Ruskin College
- Chairs Pete Dwyer and Tracy Walsh (There will be two sessions running parallel)
- In collaboration with CLS 2013 students and staff of Ruskin College’s International Labour and Trade Union Studies (ILTUS) programme area have been offered this forum to generate discussion around current areas of research and trade union activity.
11.15- 12.00 The tradition of inclusion in labour education
- Chair: Jane Holgate
- What is Critical Labour Studies? – John Stirling
- Ruskin in an era of marketised education – Peter Dwyer
12.00- 12.30 History and change in Ireland
- Chair Paul Stewart
- The 100 Years War: the unresolved question of trade union recognition in Ireland and the effect of the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2001 on Irish worker activism – Tish Gibbons
12.30-1.30 Lunch
1.30-2.15 Working in Business Schools: Reflecting on the ironies of progressive research and teaching in management and business education in the UK
- Chair: Cilla Ross
- Miguel Martinez Lucio, Hazel Conley, Sian Moore, and Paul Stewart
2.15-3.15 Workshop on zero-hour contracts in post-16 education: research and campaigning
- Chair: John Stirling
- Kirsten Forkert, Ana Lopes, Vicky Blake, Danat Valizade, Indra Dewan, Phoebe Moore
3.15 End of Session
Ruskin’s Location:
CLS Website:
Registration: £80 (£40 Unwaged/Students). Includes lunches/refreshments.
Delegates are welcome send a cheque written out to Critical Labour Studies in advance, to shorten registration time on the day, to:
Peter DwyerRuskin College
Ruskin Hall
Dunstan Road
OX3 9BZ Please include a note indicating who you are, if it’s not obvious from the cheque.
Accommodation Suggestions
Limited B&B accommodation is available at Ruskin for approximately £55 per night. Email Sally Courtney to book this:
More Expensive
Dr Jane Holgate Professor of Work and Employment Relations Work and Employment Relations Division Leeds University Business School 31 Lyddon Terrace (room 2.05) University of Leeds LS2 9JT Mobile: 07960 798399
This event is supported by Historical Materialism, Capital and Class, and the BUIRA Marxist Study Group. If you wish to set up a voluntary subscription to support CLS and its activities please contact either Jane Holgate or Miguel Martinez Lucio.